Sacramental Preparation

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass & Sacramental Preparation

We invite all of our parents and children to make the celebration of Sunday Mass the most important aspect of their preparation for the sacraments this year.

Importance of Sunday Mass

Students are highly encouraged to make Sunday Mass the central aspect of their Sacramental Preparation. “The Liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; it is also the font from which her power flows” (Sacro Sanctum Concilium 9). God our Father knew how important it would be for His people to keep the Lord’s Day holy that He made it a commandment. We should want to celebrate the Eucharist in community above all other things like our busy-ness or sports.

Further, we ask that each student in our sacramental programs together with a parent make a commitment to regularly attend Sunday Mass and sign a Mass Commitment Form.

First Reconciliation

First Holy Communion

7th Grade Confirmation Preparation

8th Grade Confirmation


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