Support and Give
Living a Life of Stewardship
The offertory collection at Mass is an integral part of the Sunday liturgy, not just because it is the primary means by which the parish receives financial support from parishioners, but because it is also an expression of our gratitude to God for the blessings He has given us to return a portion of them back to Him for use by His church. This includes the weekly offering, debt reduction, poor box donations etc.
Annual Collections
Annual collections include yearly parish and Diocesan collections which help support the Church’s pastoral work of evangelization, catechesis, and institutional development, at home and around the world.
Ways to Give
- Electronic Giving brings consistency to our budget and helps our parish use our financial resources effectively. Set-up your donations for Offertory Giving, Holy Day, and other special collections by visiting or call (866) 307-7140 and sign-up today.
- Envelopes are mailed to your home monthly.
- Mail: Mail your contribution or donation to: St. Francis de Sales, 37730 St. Francis Court, Attn: Business Manager, Purcellville, VA 20132
- IRA Contributions: Did you know that the IRA Charitable Transfer benefits donors aged 73 and up? The IRA Charitable Transfer is an excellent way to make gifts and receive tax benefits in return.
- Matching Gifts: Does your company have a matching gift program? You may be able to enhance the impact of your gift. Check with your company for guidelines and gift matching forms.
- Planned Giving: Making a planned gift can be an integral part of your long-term or estate planning. Consult your tax advisor so you can maximize tax planning opportunities.
- Securities gifts of long -term securities (stocks and bonds) can be a source of significant tax benefit to you by eliminating capital gains taxes as well as the applicable tax donation.
- Gift of Stock: Contact your broker in writing to provide proper documentation for a gift of stock and fill out the donation form. Please call Christine Farmer at the Diocese of Arlington, Office of Development at (703) 841.3986 should you have any questions.
Would you like to donate an Altar Flower Arrangement in someone’s memory or to honor a loved one?
Contact Amy Harrison, email [email protected] or call the parish office (540) 338-6381, x104.
Commemorative Brick Donation
We are pleased to offer engraved dedication/recognition bricks as a special way to honor children, grandchildren, parents, special friends, as well as to memorialize your loved ones or remember important dates or organization memberships. The area in front of the Parish Education Center will become an important part of our Church history and a lasting tribute for loved ones and fond memories. All proceeds from the brick campaign go directly into funding our Parish Education Center mortgage.
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