
Parish Choir | Children’s Choir | Witness

Sung Vespers

Join the choir at 5:00 pm for the communal prayer of the church in simple chanted tones.  Potluck dinners follow in Knight’s Hall, located downstairs.

2024 -25 Schedule Coming soon…


Witness provides music for the Sunday 5:00 pm Teen Mass. Witness primarily plays modern contemporary style music to encourage the “full, active, conscious participation” of the youth. Rehearsals are held at 4pm on Sundays prior to Mass. Adults and youth, 8th grade and up, who sing or play an instrument, are welcome to join. Please contact Kevin Bills, [email protected].

Children’s Choir

The St. Francis Children’s Choir, for Grades 2 – 8, rehearses on Tuesdays throughout the school year at 3:30 pm. All choir members will rehearse together, beginner level students will be dismissed at 4:15 pm and advanced students will be dismissed at 4:45. The choir sings about twice a month at various weekend Masses as well as some of the big feast days such as Immaculate Conception, Christmas, and Easter. Auditions will be held on Tuesday, September 21 in the music office.  Signups will be done online HERE.  The first rehearsal is on Tuesday, September 28 in the church. Contact [email protected] for more information or call the office 540-338-6381.

Daniel Carroll Performs at St. Matthews, 2023

Organ Students Perform on Capitol Hill, 2022

Parish Choir

The Parish Choir has begun a new fall season.  The choir is open to all who love to sing.  It is open to high-school age students and adults.  The choir enhances liturgy with a wide variety of music, from chant and polyphony to contemporary music.  The choir will sing at the 8:30 am Mass every 1st and 2nd Sunday of the month and at the 10:30 am Mass every 3rd and 4th Sunday.  Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7:00 pm in the Church.  The choir usually accepts new members throughout the year, but we encourage new members to begin in September.  Contact Music Director, Michael Galdo, [email protected] to join.


Organ Students in Concert – 2022

Organ Students in Concert – 2020


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