Spiritual Events in October

We encourage you to consider attending one or both of these upcoming events. They are a great opportunity to deepen your faith and connect with other members of our parish.

Emmitsburg Shrine Pilgrimage

Join us on the diocesan pilgrimage to the National Shrine of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and the National Shrine Grotto of our Lady of Lourdes in Emmitsburg, MD on Saturday, October 7th. The pilgrimage will begin at 9 AM and include Mass, meditation, and time for individual prayer. The Women’s Council is organizing a car pool; contact them at [email protected] to RSVP

Our Lady of Bethesda Mini-Retreat

On Thursday, October 26th, we invite you to join us for a women’s mini-retreat at Our Lady of Bethesda. This retreat is a time to come together as a community to pray, learn, and grow in your faith. We will enjoy mass, a meditation, a practical talk, and fellowship as we break bread together.

Schedule for the Morning:

  • 9:15 AM Check in
  • 9:30 Mass, Exposition
  • 10:10 Meditation
  • 10:45 Quiet Prayer
  • 11:00 Practical Talk
  • 11:35 Benediction
  • 11:45 Light Lunch and Fellowship, departure open-ended.


  • Babysitting is offered at no charge for the Mornings Retreats ONLY. Reservations for Babysitting are required, and can be included on the registration form for each month.
  • Children must be 2 years and older.
  • Space is limited.

The cost of the retreat is $25. To register, please visit ourladyofbethesda.org.

Please let us know once you register [email protected] so you can join our carpool and ensure you are seated with our group at the retreat

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