This study will draw us into a deep encounter with the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will learn Mary’s complete story as we reach back in time to before creation itself and learn about “the predestined mother” and then follow her through scripture in all her joy and sorrow. We will uncover her role in the early church and then see how our Mother intervenes at pivotal moments in world history to fight spiritual battles and draw us back to her son. We will examine how she defended Christendom at Lepanto, freed captive people at Guadalupe, and healed a broken country, France, at Lourdes. We will be awed as she predicts the rise of the “Red Menace” and uses our beloved Pope John Paul II to defeat it. This is an 8-week study meeting on Friday mornings from 10:30-12 beginning on Friday, January 26, 2024.
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Purcellville, VA 20132
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