Adult Study Groups Winter ’24
Please contact Jeanne at [email protected] to register and for further information on either of these two adult studies.
The Eucharist: 7 sessions
Why doesn’t everybody know this? Why aren’t we shouting this from the mountain tops? Are just some of the responses you will likely experience or hear at some point during this study. As indispensable as food is to our physical life, the Eucharist is even more vital to our spiritual life. If you are curious to know why Catholics believe in the “Real Presence” and are longing for a better understanding and love for our Lord, then I highly encourage you to join this study group. There is so much to know about how and why Jesus gives himself to us in this Sacrament of Communion which sustains and strengthens us for our life’s journey. Topics related to the Eucharist included in this study will be: the Holy Trinity, the Communion of Saints, the Eternal Now, and the Body of Christ. Come and enjoy the company of other Catholics as we share and grow in our faith together. This is a 7 week study meeting on Friday mornings from 9-10:30 beginning on Friday, January 26, 2024.
The Queen of Heaven: 8 sessions
This study will draw us into a deep encounter with the Blessed Virgin Mary. We will learn Mary’s complete story as we reach back in time to before creation itself and learn about “the predestined mother” and then follow her through scripture in all her joy and sorrow. We will uncover her role in the early church and then see how our Mother intervenes at pivotal moments in world history to fight spiritual battles and draw us back to her son. We will examine how she defended Christendom at Lepanto, freed a captive people at Guadalupe, and healed a broken country, France, at Lourdes. We will be awed as she predicts the rise of the “Red Menace” and uses our beloved Pope John Paul II to defeat it. This is an 8 week study meeting on Friday mornings from 10:30-12 beginning on Friday, January 26, 2024.
Marian Consecration: 6 sessions
A preparation study group for Marian Consecration using the book 33 Days to Morning Glory is coming this April/May. We will meet Friday mornings 10:30-12
The Gospel of John: 12 sessions Part 1 (Part 2 in Fall 2024)
All adults are welcome to join this penetrating study of the Gospel of John. There will be no weekly class DVD videos to view in this study. We will use a study guide which provides the biblical text of the gospel and ample notes at the bottom of each page for better understanding and fresh insights by renowned Bible teachers Scott Hahn and Curtis Mitch, as well as time-tested interpretations from the Fathers of the Church. These helpful study notes provide rich historical, cultural, and theological information. What better way to start the new year than making time in your schedule to be fed, strengthened and inspired by God’s holy word. During this study we will practice Lectio divina (literally, “holy reading”), prayerfully reading the Gospel while remaining open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, in order to arrive at the spiritual messages they contain for each of us. This is a 12 week study meeting on Monday mornings from 10-11:30 beginning on Monday, January 22, 2024.