Pay Online with Credit Card!
Payment must be submitted before registration is complete. Please print & attach your receipt to registration form.
There is no online registration. Please download, print, and return completed forms to Religious Ed Office w/payment. Thank you!
A confirmation letter will be sent to you within two or three weeks of submission of your registration form. If you do not receive a letter from us, it is possible that it is in your spam box. Please check before calling!
REGISTRATION FORM – Registration form will be available May 5
Please print and return 1 form per student.
Student Emergency Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [195.6 KB]
Grades 1, 5-8. Please return if you do not want your child to participate in this class.
Formation In Christian Chastity Opt-Out […]
Adobe Acrobat document [279.4 KB]
Adobe Reader is necessary to view and save these files. Click Here to download.