Upcoming Bible Studies
Bible Studies are held in Room 113 and are facilitated by Mrs. Jeanne Lamana. For more info, please contact Jeanne [email protected].
To register for one or more of the Bible Studies CLICK HERE
Divine Mercy Part Two – starting March 1
8 sessions – Fridays 10-11:30 am; and Wednesdays 7-8:30 pm
The Divine Mercy study will examine aspects of historical and political events, biblical prophecies, lives of Saints, and the timing of Pope John Paul II’s declaration that “now is the time of God’s Mercy”. We will draw from Scripture, Church teachings, and the Diary of St. Faustina to reveal what is at the heart of Divine Mercy. God offers us the overflowing love from the Holy Trinity. We will come to a better understanding of why God has to be Trinitarian and that mercy is the highest form of love. We will analyze the deeper meaning of the Divine Mercy image and learn how sin interrupts our own “image and likeness” to God. Divine Mercy’s relevance to our daily life will become clear as we find new ways to more fully respond to the Merciful love of God. All of our relationships will benefit from this discovery as we learn to accept it and imitate it.
Consoling the Heart of Jesus – starting February 27
10 sessions. Mondays 10-11:30 am; and Tuesdays* 7-8:30 pm
(*Tuesday session is for women only)
How often do you ask God for something? Have you ever wondered if there was a way to give back to Him more than thanks for our many blessings. All of us can offer something significant back directly to Jesus for all he has given to us. Then, over time, watch how His grace increases and our soul begins to overflow with God’s very essence as He empties himself out upon us. The result? Love, goodness, mercy and joy all increase as does our spiritual growth and union with the Body of Christ thru the Eucharist. The study, “Consoling the Heart of Jesus”, gives us an awareness of God’s infinite mercy and how we can give Him joy in return. We will learn the way to console His Sacred Heart by accepting His love, learning to love Him back and trusting in Him completely. The study also focuses on what to do with the suffering we all encounter, as well as the pain we experience in family members who have drifted from the faith.