Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA) – PARISH SUMMARY REPORT

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As we are now into the second year of preparation leading to the celebration of our diocesan 50-year Jubilee, we are filled with joyful anticipation! So, too, was the Blessed Virgin Mary when the Angel Gabriel appeared to her bringing the news that she was to be the mother of Jesus. She humbly acknowledged the great things that God had done for her and expressed deep joy with her whole being! Our 2023 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA) theme honors Mary’s “yes” and is shared with the theme of the diocesan Jubilee’s second preparatory year, My Soul Rejoices in the Lord.

Joy comes from God actively working in our lives. We seek to imitate the perfect example of our Blessed Mother by proclaiming the greatness of the Lord each day as we live our faith and share our blessings. The Blessed Mother is our model of joy, trust, and service. When we support the BLA, we give the glorious gift of Christ Jesus to thousands of people in need of spiritual, charitable, and educational assistance across our diocese.

I ask you to consider prayerfully a sacrificial pledge to this year’s BLA. Your gift will be used to enrich and improve the lives of others and will be an instrument of the joy and peace that only Christ can give!

Through the intercession of Mary Our Mother, may Our Lord Jesus bless you with His peace and joy.

Sincerely in Christ,
Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge
Bishop of Arlington

2023 Bishop’s Lenten Appeal (BLA): “My soul rejoices in the Lord.” This weekend each household is asked to make a BLA pledge or gift. This appeal provides an opportunity to unite as a Catholic family to support programs, ministries and services helping tens of thousands of people. After reflecting upon God’s blessings to you, please consider a BLA pledge. You may complete a pledge card at Mass, mail in your pledge, go online to ,
or scan the QR code below to make a gift.

For more information about the BLA, please visit the Diocesan Website


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