OCIA – Becoming Catholic

Eternal Life.
O.C.I.A., or Order of Christian Initiation of Adults, is the process by which interested adults undertake a journey of conversion leading to initiation into the Catholic Church at Easter. The OCIA is not a “sign-up” for becoming a Catholic. It is a time of no obligation spiritual formation during which we look at the meaning of life, the answers to eternal questions, and the truths, teachings, and practices of the Catholic Church. Our gatherings are open to all people and as different people pursue the possibility of becoming Catholic through the RCIA process, they fall into various categories as follows:


Anyone who is in OCIA simply to check out the possibility and learn more, but is very much uncertain about making any decision.


An un-baptized person who has made a decision to possibly enter the Catholic Church.


A baptized Christian who has made a decision to possibly enter the Catholic Church. A candidate can also be a baptized Catholic who has never received First Communion or any religious instruction.

As you discern God’s call, please know of our prayers for you and offer of support and encouragement. If you have any questions or to register for the class, please email Vladimir Rudenko at [email protected]

The classes are held on Monday evenings at 7pm.



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