Wine & Wisdom

The Saint Francis Wine & Wisdom group is a social ministry for women. Its goal is to further our faith while we enjoy local Virginia wines and landscapes.

We host diocesan speakers who lead a variety of topics pertinent to the Catholic Faith.

Cheers and God Bless!!
Dana Friedl and Chris Grande

For whenever two or three are gathered  together in my name, there am I in the midst of them…. Matthew 18:20

Please join us on our very own St. Francis Patio for
Wine, Wisdom, Cheese and Crackers

Holy Mary – Getting to Know and Love Our Blessed Mother Through Her Magnificent Titles
Friday, August 5, 6-8pm

based on the book by Rev. C.. O’Connell
facilitated by Dana Friedl, parishioner

Discussion will be held on our patio, Room 107, in case of rain or extreme heat.
We will be serving a smattering of Virginia Wines!

Donation:  $5 optional

Dana Friedl and Chris Grande

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