This study is for people interested in further developing their awareness of our Catholic faith. It is both appropriate for people who receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly as well as for those that have been away from it for years. Together we will come to a better understanding of God’s mercy and the need we have for it in our lives. The study will help us all feel drawn in both love and gratitude to encounter God and all the graces He wants to pour out upon us through this sacrament. I highly recommend joining this group if you long to rediscover the goodness and beauty that can be found in reconciliation with God in a way that you will never look at the sacrament the same way again. This study is also recommended to people looking for a safe space to share concerns, possible misconceptions, ask questions, and not a place of judgement, debate or sharing sins. The book we will use is a fantastic, thought provoking, quick and easy read that has had some great feed back. Don’t miss this one!
God is waiting for us to approach Him in the confessional. He waits because of His great love for us, not because he needs us, but because He knows how much we need Him! His is indeed, a merciful love.
If you are interested in joining this 8 week study on Reconciliation it will be held Friday mornings from 10-11:30 am beginning this fall on September 22. Please contact Jeanne at [email protected] to register and for further information.
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