NOVA 4-H Center in Front Royal, VA.
“Come and See” who Jesus is and what He offers us! We’ll read Scripture, reflect, pray, learn, hear talks, share thoughts, celebrate Confession and Mass with Fr. Gould, hike, play Gaga ball, enjoy live music, visit The Apple House Restaurant in Linden, VA, and much, much more! Return the attached Permission Slip and $75 (cash/check to SFDS Church) to the Youth Office by 10/21.
We are in need of adult (VIRTUS-certified) chaperones or drivers. Large vans would be a huge help!
St. Francis DeSales
37730 St. Francis Court
Purcellville, VA 20132
Emergency: 540-338-6440
Fax: 540-338-6431
Parish Office: 540-338-6381
Email Contact
Monday - Friday 8:30am – 4:00pm
Office closed 12noon - 1:15pm daily and closed on major public holidays.
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