Adult Bible Studies

Adult Bible Study:

When was the last time you sat down to enjoy a meal with your family or close friends? Not just to eat food in close proximity to each other, but to bask in each other’s presence and grow in love for one another? This is the kind of meal God has prepared for us and invites us to participate in through the Sacrament of the Eucharist. Food is one of our most basic needs. We can’t live without it! As indispensable as food is to our physical life, the Eucharist is even more vital to our spiritual life. It sustains and strengthens us for our life’s journey. If you are longing for a better understanding and love for our Lord in the Eucharist or if your child is receiving communion this year and you would like to be better informed to help them understand this mysterious gift, I highly encourage you to sign up for this fall’s study group. Come meet and enjoy the company of other adults who desire the same strengthening of faith.

“The Mystery of the Eucharist” is an 8 week study beginning on September 19, Monday evening from 7- 8:45. Please contact Jeanne at [email protected] to register and for any questions about the study.


Adult Bible Study:

The Second Greatest Story Ever Told” will show us that the historical reality of Divine Mercy includes every one of us, if we’re willing to enter the story. In 10 lively sessions, we will connect the people and events in history to a unifying vision of the splendor of God’s merciful love. From Adam and Eve and the Chosen People in the Old Testament, through Christ’s work in the New Testament and in the revelation of His Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary, in the merciful moral theology of St. Alphonsus de Liguori and the Little Way of St. Thérèse of Lisieux we have witnessed the story of His Mercy. Through the epic story of Poland’s national suffering, to the events of Fatima, the revelations of St. Faustina, the heroic efforts of St. Maximilian Kolbe, and the life of St. John Paul II, we will come to a deeper understanding of Divine mercy as it is fully revealed to us in what promises to be a transformative experience.

“Divine Mercy: The Second Greatest Story Ever Told” is a 10 week study beginning September 19, Monday mornings from 10-11:30. Please contact Jeanne at [email protected] to register or for further information.


Women’s Bible Study:

Embark on a journey that begins before time itself, when Mary was only an eternal thought in the mind of God. This journey leads us into scripture and then shows us our Mother as she intervenes at pivotal periods in History. We will come to know her as she appeared at her most famous apparitions, Guadalupe, Lourdes and when she made the sun dance at Fatima! See how this woman who said “yes” never stops battling for us against the angel who said “no”. See the maternal care Mary has given to humanity, and learn to grow closer to our Blessed Mother.

“The Queen of Heaven” is a 9 week study beginning on September 20, Tuesday evenings from 7-8:45 pm. This is a fun group of women always happy to welcome new faces! Please contact Jeanne at [email protected] to register and for further information.


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